Owning real estate changes lives and creates opportunities for all people. I can tell you that from first-hand experience. I came from very inauspicious beginnings, having grown up in an impoverished family. In 2007, I founded this real estate business, at the cusp of a rough market, with young children and plenty of responsibilities at home.
Since then, I have helped countless clients position themselves for
financial success by making wise purchasing decisions in real estate.
From strategizing early retirement to supporting the growth of a small business to cash-positive rental properties to helping first time home buyers into the market, to finding (and winning) the home that is the culmination of a lifetime of dreams, I have been through it all with every type of client in every kind of market.
I have learned first-hand the ins and outs of leveraging equity and real estate investments to maintain a level of financial stability that I would never have found otherwise. And I am passionate about helping my clients through years of expansive financial growth using the skills I have learned over the years.
Strategy and negotiation are among my strengths, and absolutely essential skills in the kind of market we are facing today and a huge asset to the clients I work with.
My absolute favorite thing to do is to get to know my clients, understand their financial goals and work together to map out a home investing strategy that spans years, not just the immediate future.